allysmelody archive

If you only get one great love…then MUSIC might just be mine!

A lil’ about Ally

This blog is intended for those of us who love to share in other’s musical finds, insights, and obsessions.  Follow along with me as I share my musical influences and relections on artists, songs, and lyrics. I wasn’t born with a music gene, according to society’s standards NOT my own opinion when I am rocking out to music or my camio as 1st chair clarinet in 5th grade. However, I was born with  MOD (music obsessive disorder), self diagnosed obviously. I’m inspired and motivated by the melodies, lyrics, and musical talents of those that WERE born with a musical gene. This blog is a place where you can check out my ecclectic musical tastes and join in with your thoughts and suggestions. My hope is that you can find new artists that you’ve never heard of before, lyrics that speak the words you could never find in your own thoughts, or a song that you can put on repeat because it defines exactly where you want to be in this moment.


Inspirational gratitude from this blogger: I have been very blessed with exposure to different music for which my love of music would never have been born. For this I owe many thanks. Thank you to my Michigander, hippie, parents whose motown/beatles/musical love entertained many of my youthful hours. Thank you to my 2 older sisters who made me want to be like the “cool kids” which inspired me to memorize lyrics that were before my time. A shout out to the west coast, east coast and down south for influencing my musical tastes while I lived in your many cities. Thank you friends for mixed tapes, burned cds, and sharing your musical tastes with me. Lastly, thank you any and all artists and writers that share their musical talents with us and any venue that helps spread music into our lives.