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If you only get one great love…then MUSIC might just be mine!

When Experimenting goes RIGHT! (Best I’ve Ever Had)

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For those of you that know me, it should be of no surprise that my very first blog topic includes one Mr. Gavin DeGraw. I fell in love with his music when I decided to buy the cd of “you know…that guy whose song is the opening song for that show One Tree Hill”. During my 4 hour car rides to and from Plattsburgh State University, his lyrics kept me company as I fell in love with his voice and the honesty behind his lyrics (specifically ‘Just Friends’ which, unfortunately, very much spoke to me during that time in my life…sigh lol). In 2005, I took my mom, aunt, and cousin to Kutsher’s Country Club to see Gavin perform for the very first time. What a pivotal moment in my life…the moment when I viewed my mom as a friend and a real person, as opposed to a “mom”. We drank and sang the night away in the company of the prideful people from Gavin’s hometown. The nostalgia I feel from those moments cannot be replaced which is probably why I’ve continued to follow Gavin’s career and music all these years. This is me and the fam at my 1st Gavin DeGraw concert.


Gavin has given his fans 4 records to date, all of which have the familiarity of Gavin’s style present but which also offer a tad bit of variety. His lastest record, Sweeter (buy it, buy it, buy it….if you haven’t already) is a great transition to a more mature sound with sensual undertones. His newest album is set to hit stores later this year.

Growth is something you can expect from this artist and his latest release does not disappoint! Flash forward 10 years from his Chariot days to his latest musical venture ‘Best I’ve Ever Had’ (#GDGBestIEverHad).  Some FB fans have criticized his attempt at experimenting with a “new” sound or accused him of “touring with Train too long”….those that have followed Gavin’s career know better. He has credited a variety of old time, country artists as some of his earliest musical influences. This may be reflected in a slight twang throughout parts of this song, as well as a little bit of a folk influence. You can’t help but to compare this song to Train, but imagine Train with a Mumford and Sons/Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros twist. How bada** is that?! I for one cannot stop bopping my head to this song.

Although, some commented that they “miss his deeper lyrics”, I enjoy these lyrics as they leave more to the imagination and keep you guessing as to the true meaning behind this song.  Please note if you confuse the lyrics “on the bathroom wall where I saw your name” with “saw you naked”…you will not be alone lol. The Beatles fanatic in me hopes that “you’re my…..Helter Skelter” may be a homage to this timeless group (a girl can hope can’t she?). Maybe all these lyrics were made up over beers and laughs in the studio w/out a deeper meaning. Either way, you’ve got to appreciate an artist who steps out of their comfort zone with passion. This is definitely an example of an  experiment gone RIGHT!

Train (@train), Gavin DeGraw (@GavinDeGraw), and The Script (@thescript) are together on tour this summer. I highly recommend checking this out. Unfortunately, they won’t be coming to Florida (Booooo). I’ve not been able to see Train or The Script, but I can vouch that Gavin and his band are almost better in person than through headphones or stereos. They have a great rapport and if you pay attention you may pick up on their subtle jokes with each other….I swear the keyboard player started playing the notes to ‘Ganstas Paradise’ at Sunfest and Gavin’s been known to impersonate a female who is in the thralls of an unrealistic, new relationship (insert a fake hair flip over the shoulder). Local Floridian and Musical Director/Guitarist/Vocalist for Gavin DeGraw, Billy Norris (@billy_norris) has hinted that they will be playing some of their new stuff on tour this summer! As if you needed one more reason to go!

Share your thoughts on ‘Best I’ve Ever Had’ and come back to share your thoughts on the tour 🙂

8 responses to “When Experimenting goes RIGHT! (Best I’ve Ever Had)”

  1. Jim Buckley (@JRBuckley68) Avatar

    Great to see you “take the leap” and start blogging Ally! Keep up the great work!


    1. allymiller33 Avatar

      Thanks Jim! I have a great mentor 🙂


  2. Momma Avatar



    1. allymiller33 Avatar

      Thanks momma 🙂 xoxo


  3. Dick Muckfuc Avatar
    Dick Muckfuc

    Great Article Ally! Great creative outlet


    1. allymiller33 Avatar

      Thanks Kris 🙂 Make sure to come back for future posts AND give me inspiration with music you like 🙂 Our attempted set list for the 4th most likely won’t be making this blog 😉


  4. As if the song wasn’t good enough….Best I’ve Ever Had video | allysmelody Avatar

    […] very first blog (click here to read) was in tribute to my favorite artist….Gavin DeGraw (@GavinDeGraw) and his […]


  5. Gavin Degraw’s ‘Make a Move’ Preview on VH1 | allysmelody Avatar

    […] very first blog EVER was highlighting Gavin’s first single from this track #BestI’veEverHad (click here to read). Certainly, you could tell from that song that this upstate New Yorker is pushing his boundaries […]


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